One of the great things about a campground is all the great people we meet. They come from all over the country and with them they bring their unique personalities and of course great stories.
This is a very diverse country and few places bring people together like a campground.
Sitting around the campfires at night is a wonderful experience as these traits come together in an environment of relaxation and while surrounded by the great outdoors.
For those that haven't experienced camping it is something everyone should do at least once in their lifetime.
There is a feeling of satisfaction in being instrumental in providing the environment for the such gatherings.
This is one of our goals at Alamo River to provide the opportunity for people to meet if they choose or to enjoy some solitude if that is what they are looking for. It really doesn't matter -- as long as it makes for happiness.
Over the years some of our greatest memories have been remembering the people we have had the honor to meet.
While eventually they travel on down the road we are left with a gift of having met them, even if for a brief while, and the memories that will last a lifetime.
I think campgrounds allow us to live our life in moments -- and realize the significance of the moments of our lives. It is so easy to allow the minutes to tick away unnoticed as we go about our hurried lives.
Ah...but the joy of slowing down -- taking time to watch the little ones catch a fish or two and see the wonderment in their eyes -- or the laughter that comes about as we reminisce of past experiences around the campfire.
I guess it really it is about making memories -- memories that stay with us for a long time.
This is all part of the journey that makes life so special.
I guess I need to end this for today -- I need to get the makings for some Smores together!
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